Sunday, January 29, 2012

Animals are slaughtered for us to eat, its been this way since the dawn of time; vegetarian help?

I find it hard to give up meat, altho I know the ill effects of it on your health. The loads of msg it contains, etc. Whats something I can keep in mind to try hard to stick to my vegetarianism goal?Animals are slaughtered for us to eat, its been this way since the dawn of time; vegetarian help?
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another aspect that people sometimes consider when going vegetarian is the effect on the environment of meat production, the methane that is emitted from cows is a harmful greenhouse gas and does more damage than all modes of transport combined. Also grazing ruins land and runoff from animal waste pollutes the water. One whole town in Belgium is going vegetarian one day a week to try and help the environment (link to that story is below) - hope that gives you something else to consider!Animals are slaughtered for us to eat, its been this way since the dawn of time; vegetarian help?
When you eat meat from animals farmed in the conventional way, you are doing horrible things to your health and taking food away from the poorest and most humble people in the world. Whereas there is healthy meat, it is very hard to get hold of and seldom eaten.

Tell you what. Try looking at pictures of clogged arteries and colon cancer on the internet and remind yourself that that doesn't have to be you, but it may very well be you if you carry on.
Instead of focusing on what its doing to you, think about what happens to animals so you can have your meat. The slaughter of animals is not the issue; the issue is the cruelty they are subjected to prior to slaughter. Slaughter houses are hell on earth for animals. They have little to no room to move, they are in pain from standing all day- everyday on concrete, angry workers abuse them, when they are sick they receive no treatment. Pigs have their tails chopped off and snouts cut, cows have been known to be lifted by forklifts before being slaughtered when they can't stand. Chickens get their beaks sawed off and are dunked into boiling water. These are just a few of the cruelties these animals must face. Their necks are slit and they bleed out. They only know fear and pain. Paul McCartney once said "If slaughter houses had glass walls we would all be vegetarians." So there, that should be more than enough to stop you from eating meat. We worry so much about the torture of prisoners yet we treat thinking, feeling animals this way.Animals are slaughtered for us to eat, its been this way since the dawn of time; vegetarian help?
well i know it's hard to give up meat because i had a good experience with it. i gave up eating all sorts of animal meat when i was 12 because i saw a video of animals getting slaughtered for us to eat and that really made me stop. now after 6 meat-less years im fine as a vegetarian.

i think you should gradually give up eating meat. first you should just stop eating fish, then pork, beef etc. continue eating chicken and eggs or seafood for a while if its still hard. then after a few months let go of chicken, then seafood and finally eggs. if your a hard worker and need energy i recommend you to eat eggs.

if you want to stick to your goal, you can always keep in mind that we humans are also animals and eating chicken would be like killing and eating your own bestfriend or you can go to youtube and watch videos there which would make you sick of eating meats and keep it away for the rest of your life.(only watch those if you have a strong heart)

you should eat more vegetables and fruits and drink milk for calcium since you will be giving up meat completely and you could eat soy beans, or drink soy drinks, eat alot of green foods like spinach and eat yogurts and snack on healthy foods.

i wish you good luck on your goal and hope my answer helped you atleast in some way :-]
Well, if you think about it that way, in the early days humans ate meat raw, lived in caves, and were pretty much naked...

Try not thinking about yourself, think about the animals and the cruelty they face before slaughter and during... or look at a family member or a pet, then at a picture of a cute little baby chicken or cow, and remember this

flesh is flesh, whats the difference from eating a cow from your dog or a chicken from your mom
Keep in mind that you are not an animal. You can choose what to eat, what to wear, even where you live.

Ever since the 'dawn of time' people have struggled to overcome obstacles and limitations that were around them. I think about you shouldn't impose barriers in your own way.

If you really want to achieve your goal, be honest with yourself, look at your real motivations and let them guide your path.
Meat doesn't have ill effects on your health, and it also doesn't all contain msg. Msg actually hasn't been proven to even have bad effects on your health, people just like to claim it does. Maybe you should think about why you actually want to be a vegetarian. Personally, i don't see the point of it. You need a balanced diet to be healthy, and a natural diet includes meat.
My first major point... Meat does NOT contain MSG.

You probably get more msg eating a package of cheetos than eating a steak. Actually, you get more glutamates from eating a tomato than a steak.

Maybe you're having a hard time sticking to a vegetarian diet due to lack of information.

1... what are you goals? not someone elses.

2... educate yourself... it appears you don't know the facts and listen to bogus info.

3.... once you have the real info, you can make an educated decision. Instead of one based upon fear and ignorance.(ill health benefits... meat is loaded with msg).
It's a bit long, but watch Earthlings.鈥?/a>

Nomer, they did financial damage to people who are torturing animals? Good, I'm glad. They have never harmed a human being in the process. If they're causing financial damage to people who are sick enough to do these things, I'm happy. Perhaps you should take a look at Behind the Mask, or even read Terrorists or Freedom Fighters.

Edit: I don't know why I'm responding to you, but oh well. As I said, they have never harmed a human. That alone should tell you that they DO take every precaution against it, hence why it hasn't happened and in all likelihood will NOT happen.
That thing you are putting in your mouth to chew, did it once cry for it's mother?
Think of vegetables as a beautiful way to live in harmony with the other creatures of earth.
just remember what animals go through to become your meal. read some peta2 blogs and watch some of their videos and it really helps keep your mind of eating meat.
you must NOT eat any meat. that is all the advice anyone can give you
If you got to and watch their videos (i.e. meet your meat) it may help you, I know it helped me.

Good luck :)
don't think about it.

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