Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ate fish 3 times and feel bad am a vegetarian?

so its been at least 3 times that ive eaten fish i feel like i cant go back and i feel like i have to start over but i want to know others opinion would i still be a vegetarian i wont eat fish anymore most likely but im wondering and im confusedAte fish 3 times and feel bad am a vegetarian?
You aren't a vegetarian if you eat fish. If you are willfully eating fish and knowing that you are doing it there is nothing vegetarian about you. If you are actually giving it up and also not eating any other animals or by-products of their slaughter then you would be a vegetarian.
You can't just go back after you've eaten fish. Most of us vegetarians and vegans ate meat before we switched to our lifestyles right now. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just continue on and eat vegetarian foods (no meat, fish, gelatin, lard), and then cut out leather. It takes some time for people to adapt to a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. Some people can quit cold turkey, others have to cut out animal products one by one.

Vegetarians don't eat fish though. It would be weird to eat one animal and not the other, unless you're a pescetarian and they do this to cut out red meats. It's just there are plenty of people who eat fish and still think they're vegetarians because people tell them fish is a vegetarian option. I have no clue why these people don't consider fish meat or an animal. They're animals like cows and pigs. People sometimes mistake even chicken as vegetarian because it's not RED meat. Somehow cutting out red meat = vegetarian to some people. Vegetarians cut out all dead animals.

Like I said, it was a mistake you can't undo. Just use this information for a future reference to a vegetarian lifestyle.Ate fish 3 times and feel bad am a vegetarian?
Most people who eat fish on a regular basis still call themselves vegetarian (infact, Pescetarians) you can't change what youve done in the past, especially not what you've consumed. It seems you're worried more about the status of vegetarian than saving todays animals from slaughter... HOW can you "start over" from eating fish? crazy.

P.S. if you want to eat fish and or meat then do it! dont beat yourself up about it, its a choice you make with commitment, never feel bad for doing what you thought was right, you could eat fish and title yourself as a pescetarian?

Vegetarian for 8 years, dont listen to the geeks who will preach to you that youre terrible lol
Don't beat yourself up about it. Even the most uppity vegan can make a mistake. If you're sure you want to be a vegetarian, just stop eating meat from this day forward. If you're not sure, and maybe want to be a pescetarian, then do that. There's no food police that's going to beat down your door because you like fish. Just eat the diet that works best for you.Ate fish 3 times and feel bad am a vegetarian?
What do you mean 'start over'? It's not like you have to be a vegetarian for a year to earn an honour badge.

It's really simple. If starting now you don't eat fish any more (and no other animals) you are a vegetarian.
You're thinking of a pescetarian, you are a pescetarian as you eat fish and no other meats. Vegetarians do not eat any whatsoever. If you stop eating fish, you'll be a vegetarian :)
You do have to start over. WHatever that actually means. Once is perrmissable if not oyur fault, but eating 3 times a dead animal's body parts- you're not a vegetarian.

Start tomorrow and learn form your own guilt.
you are a pesctarian currently、but if you stop you will be a vegetarian again、as long as you do not do it again。
The second you ate one piece of fish, you weren't a vegetarian.
it means you didn't have the control to fulfill your goal of being a vegetarian. go back to start!
screw yall'
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