Sunday, January 29, 2012

How can a person be a pro-choice feminist and a vegetarian at the same time?

I'm seen some vegetarian feminist take a moral stance against eating animals on the grounds that killing is wrong. Yet they okay with folks killing fetuses. How can that be?How can a person be a pro-choice feminist and a vegetarian at the same time?
I'm feminist, pro-life, vegetarian, and anti death penalty. I don't like killing of any kind if it can be helped and have actually debated the subject with some other vegetarians who are pro-choice. As a result of becoming more spiritual I came to view zygotes, and fetuses as sentiment beings who have a right to life. I'm not radically pro-life but supporting abortions would have a negative effect on my conscience.
You don't have to be a feminist to be pro-choice. You could be desperate about an unwanted pregnancy. Women are used to dealing with menstruation - most aren't as squeamish as men. If the pregnancy is still in a stage where it is a cluster of cells rather than a baby, they would want the problem to go away. They don't regard it as killing.

By the way - how many vegetarian men persuade their partners to have an abortion? I don't think that being anti-meat has got anythng to do with it.How can a person be a pro-choice feminist and a vegetarian at the same time?
I am a pro-choice vegan.

I am a vegan because I think that non-human animals have the right to exist as is natural to them. I think that the slaughter industry is cruel and completely vile. It is also un-natural to consume animal products.

I am pro-choice because, while I think that abortion is wrong, I understand that to have a child that you don't want, or can't take care of is just as or more irresponsible than not knowing where babies come from in the first place, and taking adequate precautionary steps to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

I also believe that if a woman cannot take care of herself during pregnancy (drug/alcohol addiction) she is automatically placing that child at risk, causing developmental, and health problems that could otherwise be avoided, automatically "altering" the natural existence of this child. Some women who have abortions got pregnant while they were using protection, as between 30-50% of abusive spouses/boyfriends tamper with their partner's birth control of choice. If a woman is raped, has medical issues/complex pregnancy that will harm her, I think abortion should be available. I also do not believe that adoption should always be considered a viable option. The foster and adoption systems in America are not really that good, and so many children are lost in the system, horribly abused and neglected. It is also true that young women under the age of 17 cannot obtain the morning after pill or plan B without a prescription or parental permission. I think more than a few abortions are performed on teen girls who were forced or coerced by their parents because they would rather end a life, than see shame in their home.

In general, I do not believe that abortion should be used as birth control, which is why I advocate for comprehensive sex ed including contraceptive use. It is naive of parents and educators to think that teenagers will not have sex, once a person hits puberty, their body is ready for sex and pregnancy. The best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy if you are sexually active, is to use birth control. It is true that teens WANT to know this information, and it is imperative that frank, open and honest discussions surrounding sexuality take place. If kids are prepared, and know the consequences of sex, they might choose not to have it until they are ready to deal with the consequences.

I also believe that because it takes two people to make a baby, two people should have a say as to whether or not they want to have that child. I do NOT think that it is the mother's choice alone to make. In the case of a disagreement, counseling services should be available. It is also okay for the man to waive consent to decide. Some men do not want to make that decision for their child's mother.

I really see abortion as a non-issue, because instead of debating about something that will always occur, even if it is illegal, we should focus on making things better for teen moms, low income parents, and children. We need better social support and more access to services that will help parents or expecting couples raise their baby the best way they can. I think that fewer people would have abortions if more people were properly educated as to how to prevent pregnancy, the foster and adoption systems were to be reformed, as well as there be better social supports and monies available to people that need them.
If it doesn't have a consciousness, it's not a person, it's a collection of cells... tasty, tasty cells.How can a person be a pro-choice feminist and a vegetarian at the same time?
As you can see from the above posters, people who are pro choice dont believe a fetus is a living being so thats how the rationalize slaughtering innocent babies.
these are two totally separate moral decisions

there is a huge deal of difference between killing animals to eat or wear

and choosing to not allow a pregnancy to progress
You think too much in black and white, stereotypes, labels and generalizations. It's ridiculous.
what hypocrites that they value a cow and chicken over a human. how dumb is that?
People like to eat, even the ones who are hypocrites.
They are two separate issues. And, even if it doesn't make sense to you - people are free to believe as they choose.
We're talking about people who don't have their priorities in order. I don't think I want to get inside their heads.
I don't rightly know. Is this a riddle or something?
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