Sunday, January 29, 2012

Vegetarian going through hard times, what to do...?

Okay, so here's the deal. I am a 24 y/o Vegetarian who with the help of my doctor has managed to successfully wean off of prozac after being on it for 10 years. The problem I am having now is, I read that it is going to be extremely hard for my brain to produce it's own seratonin for a while, and I have done some research into this, and I really don't want to eat fish, but I read that the omega-3's and DHA can actually help the brain function. I guess my question is, if I take a fish oil/omega-3 supplement, can I still consider myself a Vegetarian? I really want to avoid eating fish at all costs, but at the same time I want to help my brain return to it's normal state as quickly and smoothly as possible. Or if anyone has any ideas, besides the fish oil, to help my brain function better, that would be great as well. Thanks!Vegetarian going through hard times, what to do...?
Try flaxseed oil. There are vegetarian formulations that include flaxseed and borage oils. They come in both liquid and capsules and are usually sold in healthfood stores in a special refrigerated section. Some people prefer to buy the flaxseed whole and grind it themselves.

Each tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains about 1.8 grams of plant omega-3s.

Borage oil contains a great supply of gamma linolenic acid, or GLA, the essential omega-6 fatty acid.

You might also want to try the new Clary Sage oil, which is much more stable then flaxseed oil.

Check it out here: http://www.marvalousomega3sage鈥?/a>

Good luck,

Nemrod Kedem

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Vegetarian going through hard times, what to do...?
I think there are nuts with Omega-3
I don't have an answer to your question, but I just wanted to say congrats for getting off of prozac. I've been through that and it was hellish. I hope that you are able to find a way to take care of yourself without compromising your morals.Vegetarian going through hard times, what to do...?
The fish oils might help, but there are other ways, too. Exercise. Aromatherapy. Fresh air. Making sure that you spend time with friends, and doing activitities that you enjoy. These can all help to give your brain a little jump start until it can start to make it's own seratonin again. Congrats on weaning off :-)
Flaxseed and hemp milk.

There are several ways to consume flaxseed. An easy one for me is every morning I have a bowl of flaxseed cereal with hemp milk. It's super yummy and both the hemp milk and the cereal have Omega-3's. The hemp milk has Omega-6's as well as B-12 (added bonus)
There are vegetarian (vegan actually) omega 3 supplements. You might not be able to find them where you live, but they do exist. I've seen them when purchasing my vegan multi-vitamins online. Also, walnuts, flax and hemp are almost as high in omega 3's as fatty fish. Walnuts are great just to snack on, or toss some on top of your cereal, salad, or some fresh fruit or ice cream, bake them into cookies, etc. I always add a bit of ground flax seed to smoothies when I make them, and toss some into my oatmeal, sometimes on salads. You can use flax seed oil to make salad dressings. Hemp products can be pricey, but hemp milk is pretty tasty. Other than that, Tryptophan naturally converts to serotonin in your body. Turkey %26amp; some fish would be the best sources of Tryptophan, but obviously they're out. :) If you eat dairy, milk and cheeses are good sources. Otherwise, bananas, almonds, soybeans, oats, some beans (like kidney, I think), spinach, and whole wheat are somewhat good sources. Another way to boost serotonin levels is just getting out in the sun more (it doesn't even have to be really bright or cloudless out, it's just the natural light that you want), or at least letting more natural light into your house. If you're not a fan of the outdoors or don't get out much, try walking to/from work or school or running errands if that's feasible, or start a garden, a new exercise routine like bicycling, jogging or even just walking. Regular exercise itself can help too, even if it's indoors.
See if walnuts and flax seeds help.

I really hope you get better soon!
Flaxseeds and canola oil are also sources of omega-3s. Fish oil is definitely not vegetarian, so if you want to stick to your morals you can't use it. Mention this to your doctor and see what he has to say too.
I'm not an expert but I'll tell you what I know about omega-3's: Try flax seeds, preferably ground flax seeds. You can put them in smoothies, muffins, on cereal, and other things. Look in the health food aisle at the store. I get a big bag of them for like $3.
I've heard from a famous natural heath doctor that krill oil is better than fish oil and a lot of people is using his product. You can find it at . Let me know your thoughts.
Have you considered eating ground flaxseed and taking flax oil? You should also eat a serving of walnuts everyday.

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