Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How many times has a drunk vegetarian ordered meat for dinner and not know?

Say a vegetarian was drunk and went to get something to eat and they order meat.How many times has a drunk vegetarian ordered meat for dinner and not know?
Most likely as often as a Muslim accidently orders something that contains trace amounts of alcohol or pork in it.
One of my friends sisters in pescetarian, and I guess sometimes when she gets drunk, she gets McDonalds hamburgers. I really don't know how anyone could do that. Unless they are pescetarian simply for health reasons (Although I don't think animal cruelty is a good reason to go pescetarian in the first place) I agree with the above answers. I generally don't eat when I am drunk. If I am so drunk that I don't know what I am eating, I would be more likely to be barfing than eating.How many times has a drunk vegetarian ordered meat for dinner and not know?
I wasn't a vegetarian for most of college when I experienced such periods of drunkenness, however I can't imagine being drunk enough to not know what I was ordering, and still able to eat. I can see being a drunk vegan and forgetting to check for trace ingredients like whey in bread, but meat is a pretty obvious ingredient.

I doubt it happens very often.
hehe, your question made me laugh- very original!

well the only time i've known that i slipped up is when my ex boyfriends friend and i shared a pizza whilst drunk- we did the half and half thing, but i had the munchies so bad that i didnt realise i had eaten his ham side too until i asked where it had gone and he told me i'd eaten it. :(

after a night out these days, i always go to my local take away and get a veggie burger- the owner knows me now cos im such a drunken regular on a saturday night lol, so i trust him to not get my order wrong and give me meat!How many times has a drunk vegetarian ordered meat for dinner and not know?
They may not know when they eat it, but if they've been vegetarian for long enough they'll sure know it the day after.
Probably none. I can't imagine how anyone could be that drunk and still eat.
I doubt that anybody keeps track of that sort of thing....

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