Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Can a vegetarian become sick or even die from eating meat?

This may be a stupid question, but is it possible for a long time vegetarian to become ill or even possibly die from eating meat again? I have been told this by numerous people so far. I am also told it's because the body unadapts to eating meat (because the body wasn't meant to eat meat to begin with???)

If you have any sources, please provide them! Thanks! :)Can a vegetarian become sick or even die from eating meat?
I have been a pesco-vegetarian (i eat seafood...) for nine months and a recently I unknowingly had pizza that had chicken in it. I had really really bad cramps that night and the next morning, I couldnt even stand up. I also have eaten foods that have been cooked with meat, that made me sick also. I think it all depends on the person and how sensitive their stomach is or how long they have been veg.

I know the stomach has an enzyme called protease that breaks down meat proteins and if you stop eating meats you will produce less protease, so eating meat with less protease to break it down could be the problem. You can slowly build it up if you introduce meat back into your diet slowly though it shouldnt take more than a week to be back.


not at all..........Can a vegetarian become sick or even die from eating meat?
I was a vegetarian for 5 years(17 years old until I was 22 years old). I ate meat again and yes, I felt a bit of nausea but I was all better after a few days.
If you are making the transition back to being carnivorous, I would encourage you to do so gradually to prevent any possible sickness. I have heard that your body has a special enzyme for breaking down the proteins from meat and like a muscle that hasn't been used it may be weak and need to be strengthened, could just be an urban legend though. However, my advice is not bad........just in case.

I recommend you start with animal crackers and work your way up. :0)Can a vegetarian become sick or even die from eating meat?
No you can;t. The people that said you could are talking out of their rhubarb.
Greetings. Phew! that took a bit of searching. I finally found a site that may help..I'm not sure if your boyfriend has researched it as yet but it's posted below..

Ciao. In Reply The only side effects after getting used to eating meat would be what all meat eaters deal with concerning ailments, Obesity etc..Ciao
Sounds like vegetarian terrorists are trying to scare you into submission. I was a vegetarian for several yrs. %26amp; when I went back to eating meat I had to ease into the greasy stuff but otherwise I was fine. A person that is on a bland diet goes through the same thing. It's not life threatening. Just getting used to a new way of eating again.

As for the body not meant to eat meat that was true in the garden. But after the flood God said it was ok (with some exceptions). I don't think He would've if it killed the survivors. Babies are pretty much vegetarians until 1 or 2, then eat meat. How would they survive if they became extremely ill or died.

I get so tired of people that are so inflexible they try to scare others into following their beliefs, whether it's vegetarians or preachers. Each person has to follow their own conscience.

Believe it or not Paul addressed this same issue of arguing what you could %26amp; couldn't eat in the Bible. Neither is sin as long as you are thankful %26amp; unless you cause another to eat in a way that goes against his conscience.

Anotherwords say I can't eat meat in good conscience but I look up to you %26amp; see you eat meat so I do it too. Then it becomes your sin because I did it following your example instead of what I believed to be true.

As for whether it's a stupid question or not I defer to my English teacher Mrs. Hutchinson who always said there are no stupid questions for he who never asks questions never learns.
my friend started back on meat after over 25 years, and she said she noticed nothing..started with a Thanksgiving meal , eats beef medium well , fish raw,....she claims the transition to vegetable protein was BAD, and recommended taking a month to go vegetarian
Well my husband was a longtime veggie and now occassionally eat meat. he has had a bit of stomach and digestive issues pertaining to it ( happens every time he eats any kind of meat). Even made him swell a little. Thats about it. Im pretty sure you cant die from it. lol
Click this link:鈥?/a>


start eating meat again

Worth doing!

Start eating meat after being vegetarien for nearly all my life 鈥?10 months ago

I just started with eating meat (after 27 years!)It turned out well. I started with chicken (has a neutral taste end is easy digestable). For me it was almost a spiritual feeling to eat meat. Afterwards I ate beef (much better taste and interesting tissue to eat). The beef caused some minor problems with stomachs that lasted for two days. I continued to eat meat and the problems now disappeared. I never felt any better. I do not want to be a vegetarian again. This weekend i enjoyed my first BBQ with my in laws. This evening i wil eat my first big steak !

Jul 04, 2006, 11:34PM PDT

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