Sunday, February 26, 2012

In the Garden of Eden when everybody was vegetarian did Cheetahs have a hard time chasing run-away watermelons?

The Cheetah is the 2nd Fastest Land animal, right behind Velociraptors.In the Garden of Eden when everybody was vegetarian did Cheetahs have a hard time chasing run-away watermelons?
The Bible never said animals were vegetarian back then. Humans were.. God gave them the fruit of all the trees of the garden, except one. When they disobeyed him and were sent out of the Garden of Eden, God gave them each a garment made of animal skin. The first time the Bible mentions people eating meat is after the Great Flood when God gave humans permission to eat animals, provided they bled the animals first. Adam and Eve's son, Able, raised sheep... probably for the use of their wool... or they may have continued to make garments for themselves out of animal hides... but the Bible does not elaborate.
Don't look now, but your ignorance of God's creation is showing. You are assuming God created cheetahs in their present form. I believe the cheetah has evolved form a cat-like ancestor originally created by God over the past 6000 years to what it is today.In the Garden of Eden when everybody was vegetarian did Cheetahs have a hard time chasing run-away watermelons?
Funny. I had no idea that someone managed to clock a velociraptor running. You've got to show me that video.

On a more serious note: Cheetahs did not exist then. All cats belonged to one kind and in the beginning, there was only one kind. It branched out due to adaptation and natural selection.

God bless
Carnivors may have evolved from herbivors in times of famine

watch Lion cvountry to see how young lions look at prey an do not know what to do

Rhinos can be stroked like a dog.

All animals can become tame and return to their natural stateIn the Garden of Eden when everybody was vegetarian did Cheetahs have a hard time chasing run-away watermelons?
Yes. The Cheetah may be fast, but the watermelons are capable of going underground and they can do it very quickly. Usually the cheetah only gets a watermelon when its water breaks from the melon.
Cheetahs hadn't evolved from the common domestic parakeet yet so they simple went to seed but they did it with a lot of gusto.
in those times cheeta's didnt exist it was sabertooth tigers (as creationists state that the world is 6000 years old and dinosaurs lived with adam and even).. wonder how they survived those damn hungry t - rex's
True. The velociraptors got faster by swimming after seaweed during hurricanes.
The babble is ridiculous don't take it seriously.
what makes you think everyone was a vegetarian?
No - in addition to being vegans, they had opposable thumbs in those days. They grew their own.
Cheetahs ate Cheetohs...duh.
see jokes...they do not run......
  • helly hansen
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