Monday, February 20, 2012

Should I start off as a vegetarian or vegan?

I want to get rid of myself of eating meat because I think that after watching how pigs were slaughtered for food, I was influenced.

But I need help, should I start off as a vegetarian first? I admit to myself that if I start as a vegan, my body won't begat easily adjusted to it.

What do you think? Should I take one step at a time?Should I start off as a vegetarian or vegan?
You should start off as vegetarian because it'll make you feel better since no meat will be included in your diet. Slowly decrease the amount of meat you eat each week and you'll begin adjusting it. Many of the proteins and other minerals lost from the exclusion of meat in your diet can be obtained through plants or other substitutes. By the way, vegan means not using products that have animal by-product in them such as leather.
A vegetarian is someone who does not eat the flesh of an animal, including fish. A vegetarian may still eat animal by products, such as whey. However, they cannot consume animal by products in which the animal had to die to make, such as gelatin. Vegetarianism is a diet.

Veganism is much more than a diet. Veganism is a lifestyle, and a philosophy.

Vegans do not eat/drink any animals or animal by products. This includes all meat products, milk, eggs, cheese, and honey.
What vegans do eat is anything that grows in the ground. Fruits, vegetables, seeds, beans, nuts, lentils, herbs, sprouts, seaweeds, algae, and grains (like rice, pasta, quinoa, etc.).

Vegans do not wear any animal products. This includes wool, fur, suede, silk, leather, animals skins, etc.
What vegans do wear is cotton, bamboo, hemp, polyester, denim, linen, flax, canvas, flannel, and pretty much anything else made from plants.

Vegans do not go to places that hold wild animals in captivity for human entertainment or profit. This includes circuses, zoos, aquariums, dolphin shows, dog shows, rodeos, etc.

Vegans also avoid putting animal products on their body, skin, hair, etc. Most shampoos, soaps, deodorants, and toothpaste has animal by products in it. Educate yourself about which companies are vegan friendly. There are plenty of them.

Remember that veganism is a lifestyle and philosophy. It is not just a diet fad, or a label. If you go vegan, and eat nothing but processed food high in sodium, soda, chips, and oils, you will not be healthy, and you will make the rest of us look bad.Should I start off as a vegetarian or vegan?
YOur body doesn't care, it's your mind, the thing that's full of ego, that cares.

YOu were born vegan, you stayed vegan a long time. Then one day your' parents decided to fill your mouth with cinstipating waxy fermented sour fat from a cow teat.

Good on them.

So, your body will do just fine, same as it was made to do in the first place.

Eat avocado, bananas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, peanuts, tofu, walnuts, oatmeal, rice, pasta, quinoa, seitan, mushrooms, barley, curries, stews, soups, go crazy with making your own food, make it good and nutritious, make it from scratch and make it filling and healthy.
as with anything start slowly otherwise you may just give up on it all together. Vegetarian is a good place to start. If your worried about how things are processed try to stick to organics if at all possible. Also make sure Your body receives adequate protein as its essential in building cells. There are various forms of food where you can find the protein, nuts, soy etc however soy has been linked to increased estrogen levels and genetically modified ingredients.Should I start off as a vegetarian or vegan?
Go vegetarian first. It's easier to socialize, to look out for ingredients, and your life is easier than if you were to not eat dairy and eggs. After you get used to that, eliminate dairy and eggs. After you do that, then you can eliminate animal products and be vegan (there's a lot of research that goes into finding soap, shampoo, zit cream, lotions, lip balms, etc).
If all you oppose is eating meat, why would you become a vegan, that is, someone who opposes animal commodification altogether, and the lifestyle seeking to exclude its products?

I went from omnivore to vegan overnight, after watching a documentary called EARTHLINGS.
NOT putting garbage in your body isn't going to cause you any harm.
I gonna hate myself for saying this, go vegetarian first. Its challenging to transition. Once your off meat, Go Vegan. Then all you have to do is start liking almond milk. It's not great, but it has more calcium than regular milk
a lot of people cut it out cold turkey, but only if you feel ready, i would go vegetarian, then cut out dairy theen cut out eggs!


one step at a time
Eet cheezeburgerz

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