Thursday, February 23, 2012

What's the difference between vegan and vegetarian?

I know you've probably seen this question millions of times... Please be nice.

Does vegan have anything to do with climate change?What's the difference between vegan and vegetarian?
vegetarians don't eat meat

-types of vegetarians-

-Ovo vegetarian includes eggs but not dairy products.

-Lacto vegetarian includes dairy products but not eggs.

-Ovo-lacto vegetarian (or lacto-ovo vegetarianism) includes animal/dairy products such as eggs, milk, and honey.

Vegan don't eat any animals products meat eggs milk and many other animal by products nor do they use anything that has any type of animal, wool, furs and other things.
Most vegetarians are lacto ovo vegetarians. Lacto means milk and ovo means egg. These vegetarians don't eat meat (not even chicken and fish) but they will eat dairy and eggs. Vegetarians don't eat gelatin because it is made by using parts of slaughtered animals. Lots of yogurt has gelatin but not all of it so you would have to read the label.

There are lacto vegetarians who will eat dairy but not eggs and there are ovo vegetarians who will eat eggs but not dairy.

Some cheese is not vegetarian because it is made with animal rennet that came from slaughtered animals.

Vegans don't eat meat (not even chicken and fish) or anything that comes from an animal. They don't eat eggs, dairy or honey. They also don't buy things with wool, feathers, silk or leather because these things come from animals and they don't buy products that were tested on animals.What's the difference between vegan and vegetarian? -

I have been vegan over half my life. We vegans do not wear or eat or use anything hat comes from an animal. Vegan-friendly products can be synthetic, but they are not animal derived.

Vegetarians do not EAT meat. Therefore, the lifestyle discipline of a true vegan is more conscientious and strict (and likely carefully considered).

It's not vegans or veganism that has something to do with climate disruption, but it's opposite - meat production, which (as in the cattle industry) produces massive amounts of methane, a major GHG (greenhouse gas).
vegetarians don't eat meat. some might also exclude eggs (ovo-vegetarian) or dairy(lacto vegetarian). a vegatarian that eats both eggs and dairy is a lacto-ovo-vegetarian

a vegan doesn't eat, wear or use anything that comes from an animal. vegans might choose to be vegan for the environment because the amount of resources it takes to raise cattle and other meat, like food land and water. eating plants instead of eating animals that eats plants cuts down on resources.What's the difference between vegan and vegetarian?
Vegan: Nothing that is animal or came out of an animal. (Meat, milk, eggs, etc.)

Vegetarian: (Most) Eat no meat, but allow dairy and eggs. Vegetarians that eat milk and eggs are lacto- (dairy) ovo (eggs) vegetarians.

I don't understand your last question?
Vegetarians dont eat meat but vegans dont eat meat, dont eat animal byproducts like cheese, milk, marsh-mellows, jello,eggs. Also vegans dont wear leather, wool, skin, or fur and dont use products tested on animals
vegan is 100% natural and they don't eat or drink anything that comes from animals ex. milk cheese meat

vegeterians just don't eat meat
Vegetarians don't eat meat (fish, poultry, beef, etc.) But vegans don't eat any animal products (eggs, milk, honey, etc.) Hope I helped :)
One is stupid, and the other is stupider.
A vegetarian is someone who does not eat red meat, but some do eat fish and shellfish. They also can eat dairy.

A vegan connot eat dairy, nor can they eat ANY meat, including fish and shell fish. They also have a kosher diet.

like my answer? *i hope you do!* please vote my answer the best!
Vegetarians and vegans avoid meat while vegans also avoid dairy.
A vegan eats nothing but fruits and vegetables while vegetarians just don't eat meat and eat evreything else

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