Sunday, February 26, 2012

Newly vegetarian and stressed?

We can all agree that the first few days of becoming vegetarian are a bit stressful, right? Well last night I was awake being stressed about it. I feel like theres not very much to eat. I'm more of the kind to just open the fridge and eat whatever I can find. Problem- my parents are pretty heavy meat eaters. So I would have to cook for myself. And I cannot find anything!! I've looked through the magazine Vegetarian Times and the Idiot's Guide To Being Vegetarian. On all the recipes, the list of ingredients is really long and full of stuff I have never even heard of.

So, how do I deal with this stress of a new lifestyle, and what are some ideas for a quick and easy snack?Newly vegetarian and stressed?
Here's some basic vegetarian foods: Fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, cereal, cheese pizza, macaroni, spaghetti without meatballs, oatmeal, bagels, salad, rice, burritos, tacos, cheese enchiladas, soups, sandwiches, peanut butter, milk, cheese, quesadillas, eggs (if you eat them, most vegetarians do), black beans, refried beans, kidney beans, ramen noodles oriental flavor, granola bars, french fries, tator tots, veggie burgers, lasagna (without meat), ect.
Those were just some stuff I thought of. I know not all of those are "health foods". But honestly there is a LOT more than you think. I felt exactly how you did when I first went vegetarian, I was FREAKING OUT. I never realized that I ate meat with every single meal. But honestly it's not that hard to adjust. Just stick with it!
Also try Morning Star and Boca products. They are fake meats made from soy and vegetables. I've found both brands at Walmart and Kroger
Congrats on going veg!
Don't know too much about what type of vegetarian you are doing as there are many types.

Simple fixes

Beans, nuts, tofu, eggs, protein shakes, cheese, yogurt, fish

If you are a teen, be very careful that you are getting enough protein to keep muscle tone. If you don't and you just eat carbs you will puff up like a marshmellow and all your muscle with atrophy.

Good luck. Personally I would just forgo red meat and stick to lean meats (chicken, turkey) and fish.Newly vegetarian and stressed?
Yeah, I've never really felt that way. Learn to cook. It will be the best thing you've ever done! As for this future thing, don't think about that. There are tons of quick and simple recipes.

Here is a brief list:


Any chili recipe鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
its a nice challenge to be a vegetarian, but its very inconvenient.Newly vegetarian and stressed?
I don't think we can agree on that no. I never felt any stress at all.

It felt like the thing I'd been uncomfirtable my whole life waiting around for, when I stopped eating meat, I'd already stopped without maing a note of it, it was the only organic natural thing I'd done- not eating the dead animal bodies. So, I didn't even notice.

It was always so tiring having to wade through another plate of chicken body and sausages. SO greasy and fatty and congealed with blood and salt and sulfites.

Anyhoo- buy a ton of canned chickpeas, fava beans, and rice.

These are very cheap spend $ on the lot.

Cook the rice, and keep it in the fridge.

Add soysauce, some pineapple, peas, corn, or plain BBQ sauce to eat it, if you're hungry. And the canned chickpeas- drain and rinse, add ketchup and eat from the can.

It doesn't get much better than eating canned chickpeas with ketchup in bed at night.
Take your new lifestyle easy. I went vegetarian cold turkey and my family was pretty supportive, but some people have problems with this. How old are you?

It doesn't matter what age you go a vegetarian. You just need to learn how to go shopping with your parents to pick out vegetarian safe items and cook for yourself. It's easier if you do this stuff yourself, and learn how to compromise with other people. Like if your family has tacos for dinner, you can substitute the meat for beans, or if your family makes spaghetti, ask them to put yours on the side before they put meat balls in theirs. You might want to tell people that you're a vegetarian before you go to parties or out to eat, just so they know ahead of time.

Of course, you can't eat meat, fish, gelatin, lard, broth and gravy from animal extracts, or depending on what you went vegetarian for, you shouldn't wear furs or leathers. Anything that comes from a dead animal isn't vegetarian safe for animal cruelty reasons.

Later on in life, you may need to look around for a vegetarian, or at least someone who can compromise with your wants and needs. There are websites for vegetarian dating, and everyone on those websites are obviously vegetarians.
Snacks can be all the fruits and vegetables you want.

Celery and peanut butter are good.

Pita chips and hummus.

Just a piece of raw fruit or some cooked or raw vegetables.

Noodles, beans, quinoa.

From what I have read/seen if one partner is a vegetarian in a relationship the other (usually the guy) just eats whatever is cooked and deals with it. Usually the husband becomes vegetarian too because he doesn't want to cook for himself XD If he really wants meat he can go get it and cook it himself separately from your dishes, etc. Or you can try to find someone who is already vegetarian. I say worry about that issue later on in life. Kids can be healthy on a vegetarian diet too, but you have to be careful because kids need several things nutritionally to develop correctly.

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