Monday, February 13, 2012

Should I trust takeaways and restaurants, because I'm a vegetarian?

I'm a STRICT vegetarian, never want to go close to meat. I was wondering if restaurants and takeaways are worth trusting to not put any meat contents in your food or not? I've had a few problems with 'DOMINOES' 3 times now they've "Accidentally" put meat on my pizza, and that's an international company, so if I can't trust them, I can't trust anyone to prepare my food... But I used to be a Dominoes freak, but not now.Should I trust takeaways and restaurants, because I'm a vegetarian?
It's just a matter of learning who youCAN trust, whether it's a take away or sit down restaurant, or even eating a meal served by a friend. not everyone knows exactly what form your dietary restrictions take. For example, you say you don't want meat, but what about eggs? Milk? Cheese? That scrumptious eggplant parmagian may sound strictly vegan to most people, but not to many strict vegetarians.

You may have to educate a few of your friends and even a few restaurant managers until you develop a relationship with them before you can relax when going out to eat.

But you know what? This is true of ANYONE who eats out. How does anyone know if the food prepared in a hidden kitchen is done in a safe, clean and proper manner?
Hi. I have worked in a few restaurants and trust me if you want to be STRICT all in capitals, then no you should not eat out.

Even if you examine your food and it seems fine, probably kitchen utensils have touched it that have also touches meat or they cooked in on a grill or in oil that's been used for meat and what not.

Even pizza, a pizza place i worked at touched raw meat for the sausage with their hands and guess what, if you order any veggies on your pizza then they are going to use those unwashed raw sausage meat hands to handle your veggie. There theory is that it is "safe" because any raw germs will be die in the oven. They are to busy to concern themselves with who is vegetarians.

Trust me it is HARD to get any meal not cross contaminated with meat in your average restaurant.Should I trust takeaways and restaurants, because I'm a vegetarian?
I don't trust them (and I'm not vegetarian). If you give any restaurant special orders, you are taking a chance that somebody will mess with you. Perhaps they had a bad day. Perhaps they hate vegetarians. Perhaps they don't like the sound of your voice. From my writings you might think I don't eat out. But, I do eat out. I am just cautious on what I order and where I go. National chains are actually the worst anyway. They are typically staffed by minimum wage workers that have no stake in the success of the restaurant. Go to a restaurant with an owner/chef for the most reliable /safe food.
hate to tell you, but if you truly want to never eat any meat at all then you can never eat out again. no restaurant is going to loose the sale just because they don't have the meat free version. just like when you go to a restaurant and order decaffeinated Coffee. when the waitress goes in back and there is no de calf they can't waste the time waiting for another pot to brew so they take the empty de calf pot and pour some regular coffee in it. no one can tell the difference. and any restaurant is going to do the same with whatever food you are ordering. plus, depending on why you want to be meatless. if you are an animal rights person then you are really screwed. because even most vegetarian products have some kind of animal product used in their production. most organic farms for example use blood meal for fertilizer. they have to fertilize with something and blood meal is organic. it is the freeze dried blood of the pigs and cows from the slaughter house. if you eat veggies that you don't grow yourself you sre still killing all the animals just like us meat eaters, i laugh about this and how most vegetarians are so uninformed.Should I trust takeaways and restaurants, because I'm a vegetarian?
there's this great business where i live that makes vegan and gluten-free pizzas, so you never have to worry about contamination. if you eat at restaurants that are at least vegan-friendly, it is less likely that you will have this problem. if you make your own food, it will taste one million times better. but if you need something convenient, i suggest thai food, indian food, middle-eastern food, or some vegetarian sushi. you never have to worry.
Why not? It's not like you're vegan- you'd have to be blind with no sense of smell to not realize there's meat in your food before you put it in your mouth.

Read labels and menus carefully, explain very specifically to waiters and order takers, and send it back again til they get it right.
You should be able to see if something is "Suitable for Vegetarians".If they put meat on your pizza complain to them about it!You shouldn't have to live with them getting your order wrong.

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