Monday, February 13, 2012

Are you a vegetarian, what made you decide to quit meat?

i was for eight years, but then i had chicken and boy it was good,. today, i had a veggie delite and remembered the old times of being a veggie. i don't think i'll be a vegetarian though.Are you a vegetarian, what made you decide to quit meat?
The first thing that made me stop eating meat was an undercover slaughterhouse video. Watching a cow die slowly and (what looked like) very painfully made me decide that it probably wasn't something I wanted to support.

But, if my education stopped there, my vegetarianism probably wouldn't have lasted long.

After that, I started doing research about nutrition. I learned about the negative health effects of animal products. I learned that I can drastically reduce my risk of many different forms of cancer if I don't eat animal products. I learned that if I don't eat animal products, I will probably never have to worry about getting heart disease or having a heart attack or stroke. I learned that if I am careful about my diet and don't eat animal products, I will never have to worry about my weight, or getting diabetes, or hypertension. I learned that if I am careful about my diet and don't eat animal products I can keep myself healthy and active for much longer, and I am less likely to end up in a wheelchair at a nursing home.

I also learned about the other horrors that go on in the animal product industry, like the downright abuse towards animals, the mutilation without painkillers, the complete disregard for their welfare, comfort or suffering for their entire lives. I could go on, but you can do your own research. The truth of what happens is completely horrifying and appalling. Knowing these things makes me ashamed to be a human.

My education continued, and I learned about the negative effects to the environment, and I was further appalled. I learned about the deforestation, destruction of millions of acres of rainforest to create feedlots and farmland to grow grains to feed to livestock. I learned that it takes 16 lbs of grain and thousands of gallons of water to produce 1 lb of meat. I learned about the millions of pounds of waste produced by livestock. I learned that animal products produce more greenhouse gases than the entire transportation sector.

I learned a lot more things - like how disgusting meat production is (packing plants are crawling with roaches and dripping with human, animal, and insect excrement that gets on meat). I learned about other unethical practices of the industry - like the overuse of hormones and antibiotics, which causes the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, putting human life at risk. I learned about the feeding of arsenic to chickens.

My education continues, and I continually learn new reasons to stay far away from animal products all the time. Knowing all of these things, and realizing that there is still a lot that I don't know, I will never see animals or their products as food ever again. I am so disgusted by the entire system and the idea that all humans are unknowingly poisoning their bodies and the planet. I could never be part of that.
Funny story, I never treated meat like a drug to "quit". IT was just one of the things in the fridge. Not one of the nicest, jus one of the pinkest. The most flesh-like, the chewyiest rubberiest food, that for some disturbing reason HAD to be cooked before eating on the risk of being poisoned. It was the most tricky to handle- too warm in the fridge, it was "bad", too long in the fridge and it would kill you again.

An ominous presence either way. It gave me constipation, a feeling like I'd stuffed a flannel cloth inside me- I knew it would never break down like fruit or peas. And it gave me the sense I'd sliced off a layer of my own body , and simple re-eaten it back into my body.

It was heavy and fatty and stayed inside me for what seemed like days.

I never liked it. Saisages- with the small lumps of white cartilage and gristle literally made me gag- the white hard pips of a piece of bacon, the fatty strands and veiny blood congealed endings in a piece of a chicken bottom, or the hand of a pig where the bone meets the cartilage and tendons and gelatin- just disgusting really.

Going out to hunt and shoot small animals and birds was alwasy completely revolting and cruel to me. Assinine too- like, what IS the point? YOu can't possible live off that, and it is only for enjoyment that people in most of the world hunt. ANd they DO enjoy it. It takes effort, time, energy to go out and hunt, and what do they do with the feet, skin and heads?

Meat just never was a drug to quit. Instinctively it was always wrong.

Common sense, and a kinesthetic feeling of I can do so much better than this, made it clear one day. It was the biggest relief to start eating actual NORMAL food.Are you a vegetarian, what made you decide to quit meat?
Well I was only 10 when I decided. I was bought up as a vegetarian for the first five years of my life and decided to independently go vegetarian at 10 with my parents full support and later turned vegan at 17. Anyways i decided to go vegetarian when I was watching television with my dad and we were watching something on islamic religion and there was a part about Islamic meat? I can't remember what it's called - I'm rubbish with religion. But they can only eat a certain kind of meat that has been killed in a certain way (hanging them up and letting them bleed too death) - I grant that we eat differ ant meat but this shocked me at the age of 10 and I did more reading into were out meats come from and I just did not agree that eating meat is right if there is substitutes. So yeah, I see that as my 'turning point'.

and watching videos like someone previously posted. It's appalling.
I eat dairy, chicken. No red meat,pork,seafood. I saw how animals were treated etc and the process and it made me sick to my stomach. After not having beef(my favorite) I have grown to not want it. I may have a McDonald's cheeseburger once every 2-3 months. I feel better with more fruit,soup,veggies, etc in my diet.Are you a vegetarian, what made you decide to quit meat?
This is what turned me and lots of people into a vegetarian

Don't watch it if you not a vegetarian, because it can make you seriously ill.
I used to think animals were fed some kind of drug to prevent them from feeling pain or that animals were fed sleeping pills then killed quickly but I saw things were very different. I also thought that vegetarianism might be good for health and maybe it might be better for religious reasons. :)
I became vegetarian because i love animals and i want to make a stance against the abuse and torture that they have to endure to arrive on your plate, the bonus is i am much healthier for it.
I saw a video where it showed how animals were treated during the food making process. I was disgusted at how the animals were treated, so I decided to become a vegetarian.
Watching an undercover video of animal slaughter.

I couldn't eat another animal after seeing that.
My mom always made chicken that made me gag...all oily and greasy. I had enough and went to vegetarianism.
the fat in the meat is what made me switch to a vegan
trying to lose weight/ seeing if i could do it/ as hard as i tried, i couldn't feel bad for the animal XD

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