Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How can I get my dad to let me be a vegetarian?

im 15 and recently i had some problems with my health and lost A LOT of weight so my dad made me start eating meat again after 2 years. the first time i became vegetarian my parents were still together and my mom was the one who supported my choice and made my dad not bug me about it, but now that my parents are seperated i live with my dad. i want to be vegetarian again but don't know how to get my dad to agree. he never liked the idea the first time. any tips?How can I get my dad to let me be a vegetarian?
There are some pretty cool and famous vegans out there. Many of which are famous and winning athletes. Some bodybuilders. Swimmers, runners... actors... just about most of India is vegan and the rest vegetarian not to mention many other cultures around the world.

Start making your own meals.

You can add meat to his (it's a gesture) and maybe a veggie meat for you, so it will look just the same.

You just have to really talk to your dad about it.

He's your dad, but he's just a human like the rest of us. I'm a dad, but basically all of those people who are in their 30s or 40s or 50s... we're all the same person we were when we were 15. Nothing has changed except our age. All of my friends still talk and walk and think that exact same way they did in grade 1. So, talk to him, or write a letter if talk it tough. As one person to another, and say, "Look, I don't want to eat animal products, and I don't appreciate being forced to do so. I know you have my best interests at heart, but meat is not necessary for a healthy lifestyle... " bla bla bla
first off, u need to be a vegan the right way. obviously the first time it made u lose too much weight and that's not good. ur dad has a good point. if u want to be a vegan u have to look up recipes that are good for u and won't harm ur body. those recipes could help convince ur father.How can I get my dad to let me be a vegetarian?
im sorry your dads that way. hes probably being stubborn. its not your fault. just go with it.
Why don't you both go consult your doctor together to find out what went wrong to make you lose so much weight, and what you can do to fix that?

Also, is the health concern the only reason you Dad didn't like it the first time, or are there other issues involved? Some that came up when I became a teenage vegetarian:

1."Veggie burgers and fake meats are expensive."

Maybe your Dad is worried about the food budget. Are you willing to eat mostly beans, cheese, peanut butter, and tofu (not pre-seasoned, that's expensiveish) if that's the problem?

2. "Cooking two separate meals/main dishes is a pain."

Is your Dad worried about being able to prepare vegetarian fare? You may have to volunteer to cook your own proteins most of the time/until he gets the hang of it.How can I get my dad to let me be a vegetarian?
Choosing to be a vegetarian is a really bad choice. Just tell your dad if you want to be stupid and be a vegetarian, it will be more meat for him. MMMM, I love meat.
Make him a surprise dinner!! Do those veggie-burger thingies but don't tell him thats what it is. Not to try to make him a vegetarian, but to show him that you are going to try to be more responsible about your choice to be one. (have real meat on hand for him-just in case he don't dig it so much).
Look at it this way. You lose weight as a vegetarian (an unhealthy loss). If you are a stick, you look malnourished in the eyes of the court. Yes, the eyes of the court are on your dad, and will charge him with "endangerment to the health of a minor" for you are under his care.(And will be until you are 18/19). They have the power to take you away from him and put you in a foster home and in there kiss you "vegetarian freedom ideas" goodbye. In fact, kiss alot of freedom goodbye.

Wait till you are an adult before you go on these crazy diets or food fads.

Meat is not cheap compared to veges. But he is doing what he has to in order to keep you.
Well before I confronted my dad, I did tons of research. I looked up what kind of foods would give me protein, why meat is bad for you, what a healthy vegetarian diet is made of, and recipes to make. To put it simple, I was showing my dad that I took this seriously. It wasn't just a game I wanted to play. I knew what I was doing and I was going to be respnsible. Show your dad this. Let him know this is going to be a good decision and prove it. =]

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