Friday, February 10, 2012

Being a Vegetarian and eating a little meat on the side?

I have come to the point that I cannot eat any more meat the sight of it makes me want to throw up. I can eat chicken and turkey but not any other meat products. Is it OK to just stop eating meat over time and progress into a Vegetarian not a Vegan just a Vegetarian and eat only a little chicken on the side but mostly Vegetables?

Oh also I heard that you have to eat meat to have protein in your body is that true also?Being a Vegetarian and eating a little meat on the side?
You are not truly a vegetarian if you still eat meat, but you can still follow the basic concept with limited meat.

As for protein intake you might want to look at my answer here as it covers the exact same thing.;鈥?/a>

Short answer though is no, we can get enough protein easily from other foods. Milk products is perhaps one the best aside from meat. The only thing I know of that is entirely lacking from a vegetarian diet is vitamin B-12, which is only present in animal products. However, if you are getting milk, cheese, eggs, etc. each day they you should be fine.
i basically feel the same way as you. everyone asks me if i'm a vegetarian, but i do eat chicken and turkey sometimes. the thought of all meat besides poultry makes me sick. you don't HAVE to get protein from meat, you can get it from other sources such as nuts, beans and some veggies (its pretty easy to find some good sources by googling it). also you could take a multi-vitamin to ensure you're getting all of the vitamins you need.Being a Vegetarian and eating a little meat on the side?
You don't need an official vegetarian card to identify as veg. If phasing meat out slowly is what works, go to it. It's also ok to have exceptions and special circumstances where you eat meat.

Protein isn't hard to get, just make sure you've got some nuts, soy products, dairy products, and legumes in your life. The things to be really careful about are actually B-12 and iron.
You don't have to eat meat to get enough protein. Beans, peas and nuts are all high in protein, especially when combined with grains such as rice, wheat or corn. My wife is a registered dietitian with a Masters in nutrition and doesn't eat any meat.

You're not really a vegetarian until you completely give up eating meat.

Sure, it works well for a lot of people to transition gradually by eating meat less and less. That's what I did.Being a Vegetarian and eating a little meat on the side?
hi of course its ok to progress in to vegetarianism slowly it might take you a few tries but one you get there it is so rewarding also there are many health benefits ow and meat contains b12 but you can get this from ? i cant remember arrr but ill find out and mail you

got it you can get b12 from dairy but if you are vegan i guess its suplements
I can't think of non-religious analogy, but isn't that like a christian practicing a little wiccanism on the side?

Joking aside, Yes!, of course it's okay to make a progression into vegetarianism; go at the pace that works best for you and it will come naturally. Things like nuts, beans, grains and veggies are very high in protein without all the cholesterol in meat.
Some vegetarians actually still eat chicken, so anyone saying your not vege are wrong. It's fine, you can pace yourself to go into vegetarianism, or simply follow a semi-vegetarian diet, continuing to eat chicken.

You don't need meat for protein, my levels have been fine and i haven't eaten meat in 19 months. I haven't even went out of my way to ensure that I got all my protein.
the last statement IS NOT TRUE AT ALL. I repeat: THAT IS NOT TRUE AT FREAKING ALL.

Protein is found in EVERY food source. It is found in very high concentrations in vegetarian foods like beans and veggie burgers.

But you can have enough protein very easily and still be vegetarian.
You are not a vegetarian if you eat ANY meat. Meats include any mammal, any form of poultry, and any type of seafood, pork also.

Vegetarians get protein from dairy, beans, legumes, etc.
A vegetarian who eats meat on the side is an omnivore and a hypocrite, eat what you wan,t but don't misrepresent Vegetarians in the process.

You can supply all your protein needs without eating dead animals
One who eats meat, whether it be once a day, once a week, once a month, or once a year is not a vegetarian. S/He is still a meat eater.
Vegetarians don't eat meat (even if it's just a small amount).
Go to this FREE website. They have lots of great info on it.

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