Monday, February 13, 2012

Healthiest times to eat? Also, questions about becoming a vegetarian?

I'm 14 years old, and trying to get out of an extremely unhealthy lifestyle, I figure I should start with eating. I am not overweight at all, actually I think I might be in the category of underweight.

Currently, I wake up at about 12pm, go to school (it starts at 12:40 due to the fact I am in alternative schooling) without eating anything. I come home around 4, usually have some yogurt or something.

At around 7 I'll eat a meal, these meals vary, usually decently healthy food though.

After about 9 I start to eat more, constant filling snacks and even several meals all through the night until about 3 in the morning, this is about the time when I go to bed. I wake up several times through the night absoloutly STARVING. And go have another snack, like yogurt or a banana. I wish I wasnt hungry all the time in the night. Is there any way to stop this?

So what would be the healthiest times for me to eat that will benefit me overall? with my eating habits, and my sleeping habits combined, I am always batteling a cold or flu.

Also, what benefits would becoming a vegitarian have? Would I be lacking important nutrients even if I got protein in my meals?

What benefits would eating completely organic, natural food have on my body? Like everything you can think of.

Thanks guys, sorry if this is long and confusingHealthiest times to eat? Also, questions about becoming a vegetarian?
It's what you eat in a 24 hour period that counts.

People say 'breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper'.

If I go to bed without a snack I can't sleep so well. If I eat a big meal too late I can't sleep for ages.

Your schedule is a bit topsy turvy, are your family up most of the night as well?

Why not start by moving the time you get up forward a bit every few days so that you are having a more normal day like dawn to dusk. That is more natural.

As far as a lot of infections go, stress is one of the factors that can leave us open to picking up bugs. Also a lack of proper restful sleep.

I think organic can be over rated - apart maybe for meat - ie grass fed rather than grain fed and given antibiotics etc.

It's perfectly possible to be healthy on a vegetarian diet, lots of advice online. It won't stop colds and flu any more than any other sensible eating plan.

Perhaps it would be an idea o get a health check with your doctor.Healthiest times to eat? Also, questions about becoming a vegetarian?
There are no healthy times to eat. Eating is a time varied practice.

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