Monday, February 13, 2012

Transitioning from vegetarian to vegan?

I need some guidance on transitioning into a vegan lifestyle. I have been a vegetarian for quite some time but truly want to become a vegan. Any advice or direction would be truly appreciated. Thanks for your help.Transitioning from vegetarian to vegan?
Just stop eating dairy and eggs.

But also read ingredients b/c they are in a lot of processed foods.

Look for the obvious ones plus whey and honey.

I was veg. 7 yrs and went vegan 3 1/2 months ago. It's tempting the first like.. 2 weeks (i was tempted with sweets) but after that its not bad at all!

and read ingredients when you buy shampoos and other non food items for animal ingredients and animal testing.

*nothing says you have to go straight to drinking soy milk like you would used to drink milk. Try different milks: soy, rice, almond, oat, hemp. %26amp; different brands (i hate silk but love vitasoy). i recommend starting with chocolate soy milk b/c it is less awkward. and then work your way up to vanilla/plain.

the longer you go w/o cow milk the better soy milk tastes :)

Good luck
try checking out articles on PETA's website...they do really horrible things to animals, even just to get things like milk, eggs, honey, and other things like that. Some of it is truly disgusting...I can't even touch animal products anymore or I freak out(but then I'm OCD lol). They also have great recipies, lists of vegan foods, games, and lots of other stuff.Transitioning from vegetarian to vegan?
read every single thing in the back of the labels and if you're doing you're own cooking make sure you get some ener-g egg replacement.

try starting off with just drinking soy milk then to not eating cheese, cut the things you usually eat off slowly. and some cheese that is said to be vegan you should be careful cus some still have whey in it.

you can do it! you'll be happier when you succeed. =)
I experamented with vegetarianism for a few years,

then I stopped eating it one day, cold turkey.

Vegan's harder, mainly cause there's milk or eggs in evvvvverything.

And it's hard to go out to eat, or eat at a non veg friend's house.

But it's worth it. :]Transitioning from vegetarian to vegan?
show you have a pair. just do it.

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