Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How can someone be pro-choice, pro-death penalty, and pro-vegetarian at the same time?

Let's say this person is a vegetarian because they don't think taking an animal's life is morally right.How can someone be pro-choice, pro-death penalty, and pro-vegetarian at the same time?
Interesting question, but if you think about it, it is only hypocritical if you are pro-life and pro-death penalty, not the other way around.

Here is why:

Because the abortion issue generally comes down to where one BELIEVES that life begins, pro-choicers do not believe that abortion involves killing (whether you think that notion is correct is a separate matter). However, most pro-life/pro-death penalty people believe that abortion involves killing an innocent person, while the death penalty involves killing only people who “deserve it.”

The notion of whether anyone “deserves” to be killed is one worthy of debate, but for the sake of argument, let’s say that some do deserve it.

The hypocrisy comes into play when you introduce the very real and ongoing problem of wrongful convictions. In the last 35 years in the U.S., 130 people have been released from death row because they were exonerated by DNA evidence. These are ALL people who were found guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Unfortunately, DNA evidence is not available in most cases.

So, as long as the death penalty is in place, you are pretty much GUARANTEED to occasionally execute an innocent person.

Therefore, if you say you are against killing innocent human beings, you must necessarily be against the death penalty, or else you are a hypocrite.
Crossed wires.

Willing to bet BiSexual too...How can someone be pro-choice, pro-death penalty, and pro-vegetarian at the same time?
because fetuses aren't alive and don't have a "life" therefore, flushing them isn't taking a life... pretty simple.
It's called multitasking

Multitasking is what Yuppies do at a 4 Martini and a line lunch. When they get back to the office and are asked why they took a 3 hour lunch, they reply We were MultitaskingHow can someone be pro-choice, pro-death penalty, and pro-vegetarian at the same time?
You don't want to affiliate with a person like that!
damn it, Obama W. Bush beat me to it
What does one have to do with the other?

A criminal who rapes and murders a woman deserves to die. I don't believe slaughtering cows and pigs for food is morally right. I believe it is up to the woman to decide whether or not to get an abortion, because I think people are inherently good.

See? That was simple...
A very confused 3 headed person.
How can people be pro-life and also pro-war, pro-torture, anti-basic healthcare for impoverished children, etc.? Some people are hypocrites
Easy... a baby that's done nothing to anybody deserves to die.. A murder who has done something to someone does deserve to die and: Cows have cute brown eyes which make it totally okay to kill every plant in sight as long as it's is edible.
I don’t know… you had me up ‘til the vegetarian part.

I gotta have MEAT!!!
Same reason why environmentalists are against DDT because it kills birds but don't care that the ban on DDT has caused millions of children in Africa to die of Malaria... They seem to value animal life over human life.
A ball of cells isn't a person. A murderer is a horrible person. Cow's are people too.
its like the people who are pro war and anti abortion. they dont make much sense to base these values on morals and then support/do things that should logically also be against the same morals.

its cool if they support different causes for various reasons, but the reason cant be morals if theyre going contradict.
Well, I don't agree with all three of those views, but it could make sense, considering those issues are pretty much unrelated. Pro-choice doesn't mean pro-abortion; most pro-choice people still think abortion is morally wrong, just like vegetarians think killing animals for food is wrong (but shouldn't necessarily be illegal). So it could make sense to be pro-choice and pro-vegetarian. Then for the issue of the death penalty, it would be consistent with the other two beliefs to think that murderers should not be kept alive and supported by good people's tax dollars. As I said, I don't agree with all those views (I'm vegan, pro-life, anti-death penalty), but it's not necessarily hypocritical to have those beliefs.


To your additional comments: As I already said, most people, including pro-choice people, think that abortion is morally wrong. Being pro-choice just means that you think it should be legal to have an abortion. Similarly, vegetarians think that killing animals for food is morally wrong, but most still think eating meat should be legal. It's a morality vs. legality issue.
Well, this sort of describes me, but each opinion you have listed is backed by reasons and explanations. In my case, it is as follows.

By pro-choice, I mean, other people should be able to do what they feel is right. I know that I could never ever abort. I would not feel right about it. I would personally carry out a pregnancy to its term, no matter the circumstances. However, I am pro-choice because I do not impose my situation on others, and if another person wants to have an abortion, it is their right. I am pro-death penalty in a very small way. I don't condone death, but I think that in some cases, for example, a murderer who has escaped from jail enough to kill more people, should be stopped in a way that leaves no room for more innocent individuals to be killed (and please don't flame me for the escape from jail thing, if people can escape from Alcatraz, which they have, then they can escape elsewhere). However, most cases I feel jail time is sufficient punishment. And I, ladies and gentlemen, am a vegetarian. Now my reasons are more about the fact that I feel gross about placing a once living thing in my mouth. And as with my other opinions, I feel that if others are okay with it, they can do as they please. However, you made the stipulation that this vegetarian is as such because they are opposed to the KILLING of animals. So i'll try and see things from that perspective:

Your additional detail says that a fetus may not be a person, but they should be considered more or at least equal to a cows life. But a person who chooses to abort often doesn't think "This fetus means nothing, why bother?" There are many cases in which a person gets pregnant and cannot care for the future baby. Aborting may even be the right thing to do in their eyes/situation.

Now for my honest opinion, I think the kind of person you refer to is both rare and probably has a problem with humanity in general. After all, most of the worlds problems are caused by us. They likely think in the sense that people are guilty, animals are innocent, and thus are more likely to condone the death of people than of animals. I personally value each life individually based on its single contribution, rather than judging based on species. i would, for example, value the life of a cow more than the life of a convicted killer. Am I wrong? Whatever. It's an opinion.

In conclusion, you may be wasting your time analyzing someones opinion. After all, it IS an opinion, and they probably have some of their own reasons for it. If they want to believe that, so be it. Form your own opinions, and worry more about those.


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